Arrangements are complete for the 04/11/24 Sigma OZ Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Conference. 275 EVENT VISITOR permits have been issued for the attendees, valid 4/11/2024 7:00:00 AM-4/11/2024 10:00:00 PM. These permits will enable your guests to park, free of charge, in C12, D3, R4 Lots and the Ballard Parking Deck.
To redeem their virtual permits, guests should go to and click on “Redeem Event Permit.” They will be prompted to select their event, enter the event code, and enter their vehicle information. Upon confirming the transaction, they will receive an email receipt. Directions for redeeming visitor permits can be found online at
YOUR EVENT NAME IS: 04/11/24 Sigma OZ Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Conference
Note that the assigned permits do not allow your guests to park in specially designated spaces such as Service Vehicle spaces, accessible spaces without proper permit, or expired timed spaces. They are also prohibited from parking in Fire Lanes. Permits may only be redeemed by campus visitors. They may not be redeemed by anyone currently enrolled at, compensated by, or employed as an affiliate of James Madison University.
I encourage using our online parking map as a resource for campus visitors: